Beating the Back to School Blues

Many parents are dealing with mixed emotions this year as kiddos head back to school, especially parents who are struggling with elementary and middle school online learning in the midst of caring for younger siblings still at home. So I wanted to share some ideas on how neighbors can come together and help one another out during this time.

I feel so fortunate right now that my kiddo is a high school student and fairly independent, but I have friends and neighbors who are doing double duty as parents and tutors on top of their regular work and home responsibilities. So it got me to thinking, how can we help one another during this time? 

An easy and inexpensive way idea is to take turns hosting outdoor activities-- since my child is older I have an opportunity to host a popsicle party after school where the neighborhood kids can come down and play in my yard for a half an hour or so. The parents can feel good knowing the kids are outside running and playing and that a trusted adult is there to keep an eye on things. I love that this gives parents time to regroup from the day of online learning or work and get dinner started.

Speaking of dinner, how about a casserole exchange? Pick a group of neighbors and everyone selects a dish then doubles it to make two casseroles and then you exchange them on a rotation. Then you have two meals for your family in one week ready to go. You just have to warm them up! This link will take you to a ton of great recipes! How do you deal with food allergies? Choose people who have similar food needs-- so if you’re a gluten free family then look for another gluten free family to share with. 


And let’s not forget one of the most important things we can do for our friends and neighbors dealing with the stress of back to school-- just being there for them. Drop a note on their doorstep with a plant or some baked goods, suggest going for a walk so they can vent to someone, text them to see if they need something when you go to the store, or host a front yard sit where people can socially distanced and sip their favorite beverage. 


If there’s one thing we’ve learned through this pandemic is that we’re all in this together and need to be there for one another! So take a look around your neighborhood and see where you can do the most good. 

Thanks to Today’s THV The Vine for having me on to share these ideas.

Segment 1: Neighbors Helping Neighbors with popsicle parties, crafting sessions, and just showing kindness to one another.

Segment 2:
How to set up a Casserole Exchange and a reminder to take care of one another.

Mandy Shoptaw